Campus Cats / Cat Zip Alliance Wishlist
If you have items to donate, contact us at to arrange a pick-up, or, it’s easy to donate cat care supplies that are shipped directly to us:
For you can find our wish list here. Friskies dry food is our biggest need!
At search for our wish list titled “Campus Cats/Cat Zip Alliance”. Choose one or two items – like a bag of dry cat food and a toy – pay for them online, and your donation will be mailed right to us!
Cat Supplies:
- canned and dry adult cat food
- canned and dry kitten food
- clean used sheets and towels of any size
- clean used t-shirts
- clean used or new pet carriers of any size
- new cat toys, especially feather sticks
- new scratching posts and cat furniture
- new cat beds, soft cat cubes
- flea control medicine (Frontline, Revolution)
- new litter boxes (all sizes) and litter box scoops
- cat litter – Tidy Cats, Cat Attract, or any clumping, *unscented* clay litter
- paper towels
- plastic garbage bags – yard size and garbage can size
- Wet Ones hand wipes & Clorox Disinfecting wipes
- Urine remover (list of some can be found here)
- clean empty plastic microwave meal containers – any size
- gift certificates to Lowes, Home Depot, Pet Supplies Plus,, Pet Smart, or Walmart
Fundraising Supplies:
- fabric for making cat toys – cute patterns that cats will like!
- bags of craft stuffing to stuff the cat toys
- dried catnip
- If you can purchase a trap or two for us, please visit: and search for the following products: Safeguard 52836 Live Trap 36″ x 11″ x 12″H – Slide Release Rear Door (Safeguard 52830 30″ size is okay too, just be sure it has the slide release rear door). Direct link to traps.
- Capital One Shopping If you purchase items for us elsewhere, save even more when shopping online by using Capital One Shopping! This is a free tool that compares prices among various retailers to ensure you are getting the best deal possible while supporting Cat Zip Alliance/Campus Cats!